
Website Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) – How Do You Measure Up?

If you are still using just hits and pageviews to measure your website’s performance, it’s time to ask yourself a few questions about how well you understand the performance of your website. How do these metrics contribute to understanding of how well you are acheiving your business objectives? eMarketing is just like offline marketing, in that requires measurement followed by optimisation. Only better, because we have more data.

Thus, central to every web project should be a Website Performance tracking sheet outlining targets and progress across a variety of measures that together communicate to your web management teams a picture of performance towards objectives. Use your imagination to find those indicators that provide into the performance of your website.

Below are a few alternative metrics to get you thinking. Do you know how well youre website is performing? What would your targets be?

  • New Referrers
  • Basket Size
  • Repeat Purchase Count
  • Number of Commenters / Comments
  • Other Content Contributions
  • Monthly Membership Registrations
  • Newsletter Subscriber Count
  • Click-Thrus from Newsletter Links
  • Number of Social Bookmarks (i.e. Diggs)

Update: Bud Caddell has also written a post about website performance indicators along similar lines over at, with a more exhaustive list.

Business-Oriented Web Design

This presentation by Cameron Moll outlines very effectively how the business-oriented web designer, which I would argue is not the norm, will have a positive impact on your business objectives. The presentation is entitled Nine Skills that separate good and great designers, and is well worth a read if you’re designer developing your skills or a project manager interested in understanding how elements of design can forward your business objectives.

You may also be interested in my post discussing the value of design, specifically web design.

Web Design Experts

A critical part of being a web design expert and consultant in Glasgow is actively participating in communities of other web design experts. To get an idea of the expertise we are drawing on and contributing to, the following is a list of those sites we consider key to our success – the best of the best, you might say.

Search Engine Optimisation

Design and Development

"a great communicator with an easy going yet professional and articulate manner"

Denise Ross
UX Designer Barclays Bank PLC

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