Tag Archives: web development

MooTools’ Garbage Collection and IE’s ‘Stop this script running?’ error

I wrote a post before the weekend about some performance issues with MooTools, DHTML and AJAX, but having found the solution to a related problem this morning, I wanted to post a followup. I’ve been working with a large, dynamically … read post

Troubleshooting your FORMSOF & INFLECTIONAL searches not working, SQL Server 2005

For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out why I didn’t get different results, using SQL Server 2005, for a simple Full-Text Search query and a Full-Text Search query using the FORMSOF and INFLECTIONAL keywords. What I stumbled across … read post

SQL Server 2005 Express Full-Text Search Setup Tutorial

I recently had to setup a search facility on a website driven by SQL Server 2005 Express. My natural choice was SQL Server’s Full-Text Search feature, but setup was not entirely intuitive, and the web was full of misinformation. I’ve … read post

SQL Server 2005 Express with the Full-Text option greyed out

I’ve just been struggling to enable full-text search on my installation of SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, and so want to share the solution. If, like me, the ‘Use full-text indexing’ checkbox was greyed out under Database > Properties > … read post

Webmaster Jam Sessions

From the same conference, Andy Budd summarises and presents links to several other presentations from industry spokespeople.

Web Design Experts

A critical part of being a web design expert and consultant in Glasgow is actively participating in communities of other web design experts. To get an idea of the expertise we are drawing on and contributing to, the following is … read post

"we have seen a steady improvement in hit rates, now being number one for key terms"

Alan McCaffery
Chairman IRAC

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