Category Archives: News

Improved branding for has a new logo.  It’s been a long time coming, the previous logo was designed 6 years ago and lacked simplicity and a strong metaphor. The new logo employs all caps and a bold typeface to present a strong … read post moves to new offices has recently moved into new offices, shared with the designers of o street and BERG.  Previously a launderette and a general store before that, the new space has been completely renovated to high standard with a contemporary “designer” feel … read post

SQL required to move a WordPress Site to a new domain

To move a wordpress site from one domain to another, you need to execute the following SQL scripts on the database: UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, ‘’, ‘’) WHERE option_name = ‘home’ OR option_name = ‘siteurl’; UPDATE wp_posts SET … read post

Web Marketing – A Brief Glossary

There are increasingly a range of acronyms being thrown around in web marketing that sometimes slip out when interacting with clients. Here’s a brief overview of some of the more common e-marketing acronyms to ease the conversation. SEM Search Engine … read post

UK Google Market Share 2008

Following our post last year on Google UK’s market share in 2007, here are some figures providing an indication of Google’s Market share in the UK in 2008. Hitwise are providing the numbers again, and in a relatively short sampling … read post

MooTools’ Garbage Collection and IE’s ‘Stop this script running?’ error

I wrote a post before the weekend about some performance issues with MooTools, DHTML and AJAX, but having found the solution to a related problem this morning, I wanted to post a followup. I’ve been working with a large, dynamically … read post

MooTools, AJAX, DHTML and Performance

I first delved into javascript frameworks with Prototype, but I quickly realised that the combination, even in Protocoluous or Protopackt form, was never going to work – it was just too slow. I moved to MooTools, and for a … read post

How to choose an eCommerce Solution for engagement and conversion

There are a real plethora of eCommerce solutions out there now, making it difficult to isolate which solution is best for you. Some solutions are free and open-source, some licensed or bought off the shelf, and others custom-built – each … read post

Troubleshooting your FORMSOF & INFLECTIONAL searches not working, SQL Server 2005

For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out why I didn’t get different results, using SQL Server 2005, for a simple Full-Text Search query and a Full-Text Search query using the FORMSOF and INFLECTIONAL keywords. What I stumbled across … read post

SQL Server 2005 Express Full-Text Search Setup Tutorial

I recently had to setup a search facility on a website driven by SQL Server 2005 Express. My natural choice was SQL Server’s Full-Text Search feature, but setup was not entirely intuitive, and the web was full of misinformation. I’ve … read post

"solid ability in all aspects of creating a successful user interface"

Denise Ross
UX Designer Barclays Bank PLC

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